
I'm using Cygwin gdb (cygwin-special) to debug my
program compiled with cygwin g++ 4.8.2. I'm trying to interrupt my program
with ctrl-C to see where it is (info stack), and then to use "continue" to
keep on going. Unfortunately, after this, my program exits (gdb doesn't). I
see something like this in the gdb window:

Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
(gdb) c
[Inferior 1 (process 22828) exited with code 01000]

Clearly, the interrupt gets passed to the program, which in this case I
don't want. I'm fairly sure that half a year ago, this wasn't the case (i.e.
I could continue my program from wherever it was).

Pressing ctrl-break seems even worse:
Program received signal SIGQUIT, Quit.
0x004b8bcc in stir::UCL::CListEventECAT8_32bit::get_detection_position
(this=0x8004f914, det_pos=...)
58        const int tang_pos_num = this->data.offset %
num_tangential_poss;//(this->num_sinograms * this-> num_views);
(gdb) c
    198 [main] lm_to_projdata 26288 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace
to lm_to_projdata.exe.stackdump
[Inferior 1 (process 26288) exited with code 0101400]

Is there some command I can type in the gdb prompt to achieve what I want?
I'm guessing "handle" should do it, but I cannot figure it out.



PS: running latest Cygwin 32-bit version.

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