Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:
I'm troubled with a similar problem since Wednesday[1].
/usr/bin/emacs that Cygwin distributed (24.3) seems ok, but
/usr/local/bin/emacs that I built from the Emacs trunk Tuesday
(24.4.50) got not to work conditionally.  With that version of

Evaluating the form `(call-process "pwd" nil t)' on normally
running Emacs works.  It returns "/home/yamaoka" immediately.
However, if it is done in the bacth mode,

/usr/local/bin/emacs -Q -batch -eval '(call-process "pwd" nil t)'

it never returns; the Emacs process eats no cpu but stays
consistently[2].  `kill -9 PID' has no effect.
Using the Windows Task Manager is the only means to kill it.

[1] I did updating my Cygwin installation on Wednesday morning
 for the first time in the last 7 days.  It must be the trigger
 of the problem.  I also tried clean install of Cygwin, however
 it didn't help.  Since it didn't seem to finish because of
 texlive-collection-basic.sh (the bash process didn't eat cpu,
 but never returned), I redid it by marking all the texlive
 packages to be `Skip'.

Just for completeness.. or to add another story to the eternal Cygwin - Emacs saga..

Since I upgraded to Cygwin-1.7.31*, I see similar issue in building Emacs trunk (--with-w32 build)... The build always hangs in compiling some .el file. CTRL-C does not work and I have to search the running processes with "ps" and kill them with 'kill -9'. Downgrading to 1.7.30, things work better. Now I am using 1.7.30...

Here is on Win7 64 and cygwin64.


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