On 1/19/2016 7:34 PM, Drew Marti wrote:
I just downloaded cygwin

...on a new Dell desktop with Windows 10 Enterprise installed last
week and I am getting this error from many commands:.

E:\sandbox\sc>which bin
       0 [main] which 4660 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute
FAST_CWD pointer.  Please report this problem to
the public mailing list cygwin@cygwin.com

I rooted around on the internet and found this:

"Ok, I think you found the source of the problem. Indeed, another
cygwin1.dll (version 1.7.17) gets included as a dependency of tail.exe
in the all-in-one package and must have overwrite the one included
with Dynamips (version 1.7.28)."

I did find other threads on the web discussing this, but most were
older and referred to Windows 8.x.

Also tried reinstalling just the default cygwin package and the
problem persisted.

I then searched for cygwin1.dll on the internet, but cold not figure
out how to update just cygwin1.dll.  I did not attempt to use a pay
website to correct this problem.

I did find other threads on the web discussing the FAST_CWD pointer
issue, but most were older and referred to Windows 8.x.

Also tried reinstalling just the default cygwin package and the
problem persisted.

Is there a way to tell what version of the dll I have?

It doesn't really matter what version of the DLL you have.  The one you
just installed with the setup program from cygwin.com (you did use the
setup program from cygwin.com, right?) is the right version.  Any others
that aren't in the bin directory of your new Cygwin installation are
outdated.  They apparently either appear in your path before your
new Cygwin installation or are already loaded into memory by some running
app.  Either way, find them and nuke them.  You don't need them and doing
so will get rid of this very ancient message (from some very ancient
cygwin1.dlls you have).  Anything that's dependent on the old cygwin1.dlls
will run with your new one.


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