On 15/11/2021 16:47, Aleksey Shipilev via Cygwin wrote:
After installing make-devel and doing "ulimit -c unlimited", I have got this stackdump:

For no particularly good reason, writing a core dump is not hooked up to the core file size limit.

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at rip=0018017516C

It does not look particularly useful to me, I was hoping for symbol


names to be resolved, to be honest. I don't know what I am supposed to do next. There is no "core" around, as far as I can see...

You can use 'export CYGWIN="error_start=dumper"' to get a coredump written on fatal signal.

Or if you're just going to load that into gdb, save steps with 'export CYGWIN="error_start=gdb"'

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