On 2023-01-29 15:55, Ross Patterson wrote:
dash (or bash if required) native path with WD /var/log/ native path e.g.
%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\dash /usr/local/bin/....sh WD %CYGWIN_ROOT%\var\log

I'm not understanding the use of `WD` here, can you clarify/elaborate?

Working Directory entry

At any rate, I forgot to mention that I also tried adding output
redirection to the end of the action's ""Add arguments (optional)" and
did so in various combination with the other variants described in my
     ... >> C:\...\log\....log 2>&1
And I observed the same or similar mix of different blocking window types.

Best to hide that inside a script, rather than deal with mixing Windows and shell quoting rules!

For normal scripts and schedules, I use cron job commands or scripts which log
everything under /var/log/.

In that case, I'd still need `# crond` to run with highest privileges
as those are the privileges I ultimately need what it would run to
have.  But maybe I'll try that if I get time to do more testing.

Services drop privileges to $USER privileges unelevated.

Have you tested the first, most simple, test case from my OP?  It's a
very elemental test and reproduces the issue reliably for me so it
would be interesting to hear what you (or anyone else) observes from
that test case.

It is unlikely it will be different: do they matter?

Most programs probably use regular startup code that opens the stdio handles, whereas most shells support non-interactive operation that doesn't.

Doing anything with a console in Scheduled Tasks or any detached background task will pop up console windows, perhaps full screen and/or UAC modal if elevated - no surprise - don't do that if you don't want to see them!

Use run like XWin startxwin which does not display console windows:

%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\run.exe --quote /usr/bin/bash -l -c "cd; exec 

Services should be started by cygrunsrv elevated so they get the environment they expect to run under.

There are lots of unhelpful interactions between Cygwin and Windows environments and programs: you have to pick and choose one and do everything only with those programs in that environment. The twain can never (mostly) mix (without effort).

Your tests are play toys: what exactly are you actually trying to do?

How to successfully run Cygwin scheduled tasks without seeing windows:

I use scheduled tasks with actions running scripts from /usr/local/bin/ under
dash (or bash if required) native path with WD /var/log/ native path e.g.

%CYGWIN_ROOT%\bin\dash /usr/local/bin/....sh WD %CYGWIN_ROOT%\var\log

with various options (mainly user SYSTEM, logged in or not, highest privileges),
and triggers.

I never see any windows appearing as the scripts log everything under /var/log/.

The scripts run as tasks start and stop Cygwin services, init and run smart
reporting, clean up cron job remnants before smart reporting, terminate all
processes before running setup.

and note that all stdio is redirected within the script > /var/log/...log 2>&1, < /dev/null if necessary, so that the Windows console is never involved.

Have you tried running a non-interactive script from a non-interactive shell as suggested?

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis                 Calgary, Alberta, Canada

La perfection est atteinte                      Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter     not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer        but when there is no more to cut
                        -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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