1) Launch setup-x86_64 and go as far as the "Pending" list (assuming
   there are pending packages to be updated).  Note "Best" is selected.

2) Then click "Back" to get to the mirror selection page

3) Click "Next" again.

Now it says there is nothing pending.

4) Click back (mirror selection) and re-select the same or a different
   mirror and click "Next"

Still nothing pending, "Best" is still selected.

5) Select "Sync" instead of "Best"

All the pending packages reappear.  Switching from "Sync" back to "Best"
does not affect the display at this point.

If you initially have "Sync" selected, then switching to "Best" reveals
the missing pending items.  I.e. restoring the list seems to be
"edge-triggered" on the "Keep/Best/Sync" state.

Jim Garrison

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