On Mar 13 08:40, Yeo Kai Wei via Cygwin wrote:
> Hi All,
> May I ask if there's a bug with Cygwin and Windows currency?

The en_ZM locale isn't yet supported by Cygwin.  This will change with
Cygwin 3.5.0.  You can install the latest Cygwin test release
3.5.0-0.231.g93f70d7849b8 and retry.  You'll get the correct output:

Region: en_AU.utf-8 Currency symbol: $ International currency symbol: AUD
Region: en_CA.utf-8 Currency symbol: $ International currency symbol: CAD
Region: en_GB.utf-8 Currency symbol: £ International currency symbol: GBP
Region: en_US.utf-8 Currency symbol: $ International currency symbol: USD
Region: en_NZ.utf-8 Currency symbol: $ International currency symbol: NZD
Region: en_ZM.utf-8 Currency symbol: K International currency symbol: ZMW

Btw., you don't even need a test application, just call

  $ LC_MONETARY="en_ZM.utf-8" locale -ck LC_MONETARY

> The correct answer should be "Region: en_ZM.utf-8 Currency symbol: K
> International currency symbol: ZMK"
> Supposedly, the code works on Linux.
> Is this an issue with Windows?

We're fetching most locale information from Windows, this includes the
LC_MONETARY information.  However, the locale support up to Cygwin 3.4.x
is restricted by an issue in Windows:

Originally, locales were handled in Windows by using so called locale
identifiers, LCID, 2 byte numbers.  These LCIDs are used by Cygwin

In the meantime, Windows switched from LCIDs to locale string
identifiers following RFC 4646 resp. RFC 5646. Now, the problem is this:

Cygwin didn't yet follow suite, still using LCIDs internally, but
Windows introduced locales for which no LCID has ever been assigned.
Asking for the LCID for "en-ZW" returns 0.

For Cygwin 3.5.0, I converted Cygwin to use RFC 5646 locale strings
internally, too, so the next major version of Cygwin will be able to
support all locales Windows supports.

>     while (regions[i])
>     {
>         setlocale(LC_MONETARY, regions[i]);

You're not checking for errors here.  If the locale isn't supported,
setlocale should return NULL...

>         const struct lconv* loc = localeconv();

...and the locale information stays unchanged.  As such, if en_ZM isn't
supported, this call will still fetch the information of the en_NZ.utf-8


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