On 3/11/2023 1:50 PM, Achim Gratz via Cygwin wrote:

The native Gcc compilers have been updated to the latest upstream
snapshot version of the gcc-11 branch:



I've given it a pretty good workout with builds of Emacs and TeX Live, and everything seems good so far.

This release includes libgccjit as a separate package for the native
toolchain.  Since Cygwin does not yet enable ASLR by default, any
nontrivial dynamic objects that are created in this way will likely need
to get rebased before they can be used.  It is unlikely that build
systems recognize the need for doing that at the moment.

FYI, following a suggestion made by Corinna on IRC, I'm building all the Emacs libraries (.eln files as well as tree-sitter grammar libs) with ASLR enabled and no rebasing. I have about 400 of these libraries on my system. I've been doing this for about a month without any fork failures.


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