I'm reporting this here rather than the newlib list because the behavior is compatible with Posix but not Linux, so I think it's a Cygwin issue.

Consider the following test case:

$ cat locale_test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>

int main ()
  const char *locale = "en_DE.UTF-8";
  locale_t loc = newlocale (LC_COLLATE_MASK | LC_CTYPE_MASK, locale, 0);
  if (!loc)
    perror ("newlocale");
    printf ("newlocale succeeded on invalid locale %s\n", locale);

$ gcc -o locale_test locale_test.c

$ ./locale_test.exe
newlocale succeeded on invalid locale en_DE.UTF-8

On Linux, the newlocale call fails with ENOENT, as is documented on the man page. Posix doesn't say what should happen on an invalid locale, so this is not, strictly speaking, a bug.


P.S. I noticed this because of a failing Emacs test. No one else has reported this test failure, so it seems that newlocale fails on an invalid locale on all platforms supported by Emacs other than Cygwin.

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