On Sun, 26 Oct 2003, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 09:18:21AM +0100, Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> >> > Does it fix the following:
> >> >
> >> > $ cd /usr/bin../
> >>
> >> No, it fixes the more than two leading dots problem.  The above is
> >> a genuin windows problem as you noted in your previous mail.  I don't
> >> know how to fix this without noticeably slowing down the path conv
> >> routine.
> >
> >I'll try to send my patch for reviewal to cygwin-patches tonight. I have
> >used it
> >for a while and haven't noticed any perforamance hits.
> >
> >It works like this:
> >
> >1) Count the number of dots for each path component
> >
> >2) Check if the path component consists solely from dots
> >
> >      If it does return ENOENT if the count of the dots is
> >       greater than 2.
> Why would we go to this effort, though?  If the underlying FS gives meaning
> to a file named '...................' why should we add overhead to cygwin
> to stop it?  The path handling code is already slow enough without adding
> checks for corner cases.

Path components ending in dots are treated like they don't
have the trailing dots (dots are ignored). Cygwin already
has code which checks for trailing dots in the last path
component and reports ENOENT if i remember correctly. But
the other path components are unchecked - i.e. cd /usr/bin../
set the current dir to /usr/bin.. which is an error IMHO.

Anyway I agree that it is not like everyone types directories
which end in dots, so maybe this isnt worth adding.

> On the other hand, this *is* something that managed mode should deal with
> correctly.

Yes, if what the user wants to use such file or directory names.

I'll shut up now :)


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