Christopher Faylor wrote:

I tried running that script again, here were my results:

Feb14: more than 10,000 iterations (never failed, just got bored of watching it)
Feb17: more than 270 (still running)
Feb18: Froze after 12, 41, 6
Feb20: Froze after 9, 2, 4
Feb21: Froze after 1, 5, 4

Out of curiousity, the next time it freezes, try hitting CTRL-D.  I ran one
of the scripts for four hours and got a freeze.  gdb showed that make was
sitting in console input mode for some reason.  Hitting ctrl-d (followed two seconds
by an expletive) got things running again.

I can say that is not what is happening (because it would not be using any CPU if it were waiting for input), but I will humour you the next time I see it freeze. I have (once) had that happen (make waiting for input that is), but I never thought of hitting ^D.

And, just for completeness, I built and ran a CVS version from about an hour ago, and it has not failed yet (350 iterations). So, maybe someone already fixed this problem after Feb21.

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