On Tue, March 1, 2005 2:47 pm, Igor Pechtchanski said:
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:
>> If they want a different directory, it still doesn't hurt to force
>> ~/.cpan
>> to binmode (except in so far as it uses up the AIUI limited number of
>> mounts).  I'd advocate putting it in a postinstall script.
> Yes, it does sometimes.  There used a problem doing "rm" when a mount
> directory doesn't exist -- the root directory was erased.  I don't have a
> spare system available to experiment with it now.
> I had this problem when I did "rm -rf ~/something", where "~/something"
> was mounted explicitly, but didn't exist.  At a guess, if the mount point
> doesn't exist, the directory resolves to "/", and that's what is being
> erased.

I was thinking more like the perl installer add a .cpan to the skel folder
and a 'post user create' file (to be determined how it gets run ;) which
does the mount then removes itself.

Thing is, it wouldn't help with users which already exist *before* they
install perl.  A different solution would be necessary for them.  Possibly
a profile.d script?

Anyway, just thoughts :)


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