Christopher Faylor skrev:
> On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 06:26:44PM +0100, Bengt-Arne Fjellner wrote:
>>Christopher Faylor skrev:
>>> On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 05:36:00PM +0100, Bengt-Arne Fjellner wrote:
>>>>With boinc running [EMAIL PROTECTED] at lowest priority ( uses 100% cpu but 
>>>> easily)
>>>>simple pipes takes a long time.
>>>>Example: from a bash prompt
>>>>echo hello|grep -v xyz
>>>>with boinc running and 1.5.13-1 takes about 7 seconds.  if i stop boinc
>>>>it takes parts of a second.  after downgrade to 1.5.12-1 with boinc
>>>>running: parts of a second.
>>>>i have seen this on two different computers one HT one normal.
>>>>Single commands are still fast.
>>> Is there some reason why you'd expect us to know what "boinc" is?
>>My stupidity i think...
>>Really its a community infrastructure for networked computing
>>"Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
>>With currently this subproject running:
>>Dont know if any other subprojects are affected.
> If I had to guess, I'd say that boinc is putting itself into a high priority
> class for some reason and is eating cpu cycles, causing cygwin's pipe reading
> code to stall.
> I've made a change to cygwin to put it's pipe reading code into a slightly
> higher priority class.  This change is in the latest snapshot:
> cgf

No change with cygwin1-20050303.dll.bz2 or cygwin-inst-20050303.tar.bz2

Bengt-Arne Fjellner
0910-58 53 69

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