Charles D. Russell wrote:
Eric Blake wrote:

mv -v "$f" " ` echo $f | tr A-Z a-z ` "

EVIL - you are moving "FOO" to " foo " (Windows strips trailing spaces, but not leading spaces, so it is really moving to " foo"). YOU ARE ADDING SPACES to the filename. Fix your script so that there are no spaces between "` and `".

Thought it was clever of me to make that little ` visible to my old eyes.

I always use $(...) instead; it's equivalent to `...` and much easier to read.

Ross Smith ...................... Pharos Systems, Auckland, New Zealand
"Carelessly planned projects take three times longer to complete than
expected. Carefully planned projects take four times longer to
complete than expected, mostly because the planners expect their
planning to reduce the time it takes." -- Anon.

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