On 08/16/2005 at 08:25:18 AM, cygwin-owner wrote:
mount -m | grep -- --change-cygdrive-prefix | \
  xargs bash -c 'while [ $# != 1 ]; do shift; done; echo "$@"' --
--- end of excerpt ---

Why the complexity? Is there something wrong with this? 

> regtool get "/HKCU/Software/Cygnus Solutions/Cygwin/mounts v2/cygdrive 

"It was a rigorous result in information theory that once you could 
learn in a sufficiently flexible manner - something humanity had achieved 
in the Bronze Age - the only limits you faced were speed and storage; 
any other structural changes were just a matter of style."
[Schild's Ladder by Greg Egan]

Fred A. Kulack - IBM eServer iSeries - Enterprise Application Solutions
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