Well, I want to install cygwin on a production server and wanted to make sure there are no current security concerns or things that I should be aware of. I just wanted to know if anybody else had any issues where it conflicted with any existing application that was running at the time or any modification they had to make to cygwin for security purposes.

<BLOCKQUOTE style='PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #A0C6E5 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'><font style='FONT-SIZE:11px;FONT-FAMILY:tahoma,sans-serif'><hr color=#A0C6E5 size=1> From: <i>&quot;Larry Hall (Cygwin)&quot; &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;</i><br>Reply-To: <i>cygwin@cygwin.com</i><br>To: <i>ABi DaR &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;</i><br>CC: <i>cygwin@cygwin.com</i><br>Subject: <i>Re: security concerns / production environment</i><br>Date: <i>Thu, 13 Oct 2005 16:58:47 -0400</i><br>&gt;ABi DaR wrote:<br>&gt;&gt;Greetings,<br>&gt;&gt; Are there any known issues about running &quot;cygwin SSHD&quot; service <br>&gt;&gt;in a production environment? Is there any concern I should be <br>&gt;&gt;aware of or has anyone run into problems running it on a production <br>&gt;&gt;server with ColdFusion running on it.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt;What kind of issues? Just how it works with ColdFusion? Perhaps <br>&gt;others<br>&gt;can answer that. I've run Cygwin's sshd for years to tunnel VNC and <br>&gt;not<br>&gt;had any problems.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;If your concern is security, you may want to read the following <br>&gt;Cygwin FAQ:<br>&gt;<br>&gt;&lt;http://cygwin.com/faq/faq-nochunks.html#faq.api.secure&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br>&gt;--<br>&gt;Larry Hall http://www.rfk.com<br>&gt;RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office<br>&gt;838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX<br>&gt;Holliston, MA 01746<br></font></BLOCKQUOTE>

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