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Eric Blake wrote:
>>>I don't know it this was unique to my machine, but am
>>>reporting it in case anyone else runs into the same
>>>issue.  When running Microsoft update today, on Win2k,
>>>the patch for Security Update for DirectX 9 for Windows
>>>2000 (KB904706) hung during installation, with an
>>>instance of cygrunsrv hogging 100% CPU, until I had
>>>stopped every last one of my cygrunsrv processes.  I
>>>don't know what the Microsoft update was trying to do
>>>to running services during the update, but it obviously
>>>didn't interact very well with cygrunsrv.
>>I have the converse experience.  I'm usually running three services
>>under cygrunsrv (syslogd, sshd, esd) and today I used Windows Update,
>>too, to get the latest security bugfixes.  I had (and never had)
>>problems to do this while my services were still running.
> I usually leave my services up, as well; this was the first time
> I had a hang.  Today's Win2k patch list contained 10 patches,
> and it was only the 1 patch for KB904706 that hung.  So it's not
> the update process in general, but that particular patch, that I
> was complaining about.

I had a similar experience this morning, except the DirectX update hung
with inetd using all the CPU.  Shutting down inetd allowed the update to

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