[Interestingly, the text of my message was stripped out... here it is]

I'm running the latest cygwin (1.5.19, see cygcheck below).

My application is a native Windows app (64 and 32-bit).  It includes
no cygwin libraries and is not compiled with cygwin's gcc.  When I
execute cygwin programs from my app, however, the return value
obtained from cygwin programs is always 0.

More precisely, I spawn a particular cygwin program, say `make' or
`sh', with CreateProcess().  When the program exits
GetExitCodeProcess() always sets the exit status to 0, no matter what
the real exit status was.

Attached are 2 programs, exit1.c and bug.c.  Compile with:

cl bug.c bufferoverflowu.lib
cl exit1.c bufferoverflowu.lib

[cl is MS C/C++ version 14, found in the SDK.]

Then, running on 64-bit windows:

  ./bug exit1
  result = 0

Doing the experimentn on 32-bit Windows gets the output

  result = 1

Below are the files.

Is this a known issue?  Any chance of a fix?

Kevin Layer             [EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://www.franz.com/
Franz Inc., 555 12th St., Suite 1450, Oakland, CA  94607, USA
Phone: (510) 452-2000   FAX: (510) 452-0182

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