Initially when I installed sshd, it was said to have the CYGWIN environment variable to 'ntsec'.

After reading your forwarded link, I switched it to 'server' and it runs ok now...thanx...


Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
Robert Khachikyan wrote:

I successfully have installed and have been using cygwin on my windows XP. Just recently I decided to add a web server. After installing the apache2,
it complains of 'Bad system call':

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/apache2
$ /usr/sbin/httpd2.exe
Bad system call

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/apache2
$ /usr/sbin/httpd2.exe -v
Server version: Apache/2.2.2
Server built:   Jun  6 2006 13:28:20

However, when starting the apache1.3.33, I have no problem. But due to security, I'd like for the apache to be up-to-date.....You guys have any suggestions?....thanx....

Read the readme?  Sounds to me like apache2 requires IPC via Cygserver.
I would think the readme would talk about this (don't have apache2 installed myself so I don't know for sure but then again Max is a pretty thorough guy).
If you're looking for more info on Cygserver, see:


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