Ok, it works the same on Cygwin and Linux/x86, but Python/NTAMD64 works. 
 Somehow Python/Posix related, portably.

 For anyone interested: 
  $ echo %%> conftest.l    
  $ echo %%>> conftest.l    
  $ rm lex.yy.c   
  $ export M4=foo    
  $ flex conftest.l   
  flex: fatal internal error, exec failed  
  lex.yy.c exists  

  $ rm lex.yy.c 
  $ python -c "import os; os.system(\"flex conftest.l\")"  
   flex: fatal internal error, exec failed    
   flex: 2 error writing output file lex.yy.c  (I added the "2" to disambiguate 
4 identical error messages)  
  lex.yy.c does not exists -- make configure-gmp fails   

  relevant code in flex:  

        if ((to_cfd = dup (1)) == -1) 
                flexfatal (_("dup(1) failed"));  
        to_c = fdopen (to_cfd, "w");  
        fflush (to_c);  
        if (ferror (to_c))  
                lerrsf (_("2 error writing output file %s"),  
                        outfilename ? outfilename : "");  

        else if (fclose (to_c))  
                lerrsf (_("error closing output file %s"),  
                        outfilename ? outfilename : "");  

        while (wait (0)> 0) ;  

  again, I added the "2".  

  Digging deeper...

 - Jay

 [snip snip snip] 

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