Tim Prince wrote:
> Dave Korn wrote:
>> Tim Prince wrote:
>>> This doesn't seem to be a magically fully working gfortran, such as we
>>> had fleetingly with the 20090227 snapshot of 4.4.  

>>   Hi Tim, can you give me a bit of context here?  

> I may not have known what to look for, Most 4.3 and 4.4 snapshot cygwin
> builds of gfortran, including all those I have tried from gfortran wiki or
> cygwin setup, have acted as if there is a memory or stack leak which kills
> the run after 40 or so Fortran subroutine calls and returns.  I haven't
> actually known how to check if this is a leak.  This was never a problem
> until the 4.3 era, and there have been a very few snapshots, including the
> 4.4 20090227, which could run my tests perfectly at
> http://sites.google.com/site/tprincesite/levine-callahan-dongarra-vectors

gcc: f90_cputime.c: No such file or directory
gcc: no input files
make: *** [f90_cputime.o] Error 1

  Hmm, I'm going to need a little more to go on than that!  (Feel free to send
me any missing files off-list if it's convenient and they're redistributable.)
 I notice you're compiling with -fopenmp; does removing it help any?

> [ generic testsuite flakiness ]

  Hmmm, I get a couple of mutex-related testcases here and there which
sometimes-pass-sometimes-fail (must look into this, it possibly indicates a
race condition in the cygwin dll), and there are a few java testcases that get
stuck and don't time out and I have to manually kill before the run will
continue, but I don't get nearly that much general flakiness.  Do you have
your heap_chunk_in_mb turned right up?  I find it helps.


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