On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 03:38:43PM -0000, Allan Clearwaters wrote:
>I know you don't want to commit but how soon is "...soon" - days, weeks?
>The reason for my question relates to some work I'm doing where I suspect
>the process limit under the current version of 1.1 is getting in my way.  In
>any case, if there were no process limit then it would allow me a bit more

You're right that I steadfastly refuse to give release dates, especially
when prodded.  It sets a dangerous precedent.  Look back over the cygwin
mailing list in the last few weeks and draw your own conclusions.

>While we're on the subject, are there any good reference sites about the
>Windows process/task api either in general or under Cygwin?

The process/task api in cygwin is the same as UNIX.  What would you expect?
Windows APIs are documented on the Microsoft site.


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