Under Cygwin1.dll version 1.3.2 with Windows 98 Release 2:

I am having a problem with the name and content of shortcuts being altered
through the tar process.  
See this effect by issuing the following pair of commands from a directory
containing a shortcut named "Shortcut": 
       tar -cf test.tar shortcut.lnk
       tar -xf test.tar
The name of the extracted file gets "LNK" appended to it.  Moreover, the
shortcut is extracted as a read-only file.  
Worse still, command line arguments and working directory info that had been
included in the original shortcut are lost.  

Here's an example of when this is unwelcome: 
Adding the argument "/E" to the command line for Explorer.exe opens a window to
the current working directory.  
By creating shortcuts to Explorer with different working directories, these
shortcuts act like traversable links.  
However, when these links are tarred up and then untarred, the untarred link has
a changed name, loses the /E 
argument, and also loses alternate working directory information. 

I have also tried repeating this with cygwin1.dll version 1.1.7.  The result is
similar except that the untarred 
shortcuts are renamed to conform to Microsoft's 8dot3 naming pattern with
number-tilde.  The version cygwin1.dll 
1.1.4 does not exhibit this problem.  I expect that perhaps this is due to a
difference in how Shortcuts and symbolic links are handled?

Under Cygwin 1.3.2 with Windows 98:

I am having a problem with the name and content of shortcuts being altered
through the tar process.  
See this effect by issuing the following pair of commands from a directory
containing a shortcut named "Shortcut": 
       tar -cf test.tar shortcut.lnk
       tar -xf test.tar
The name of the extracted file gets "LNK" appended to it.  Moreover, the
shortcut is extracted as a read-only file.  
Worse still, any command line arguments that had been included in the original
shortcut are lost.  

Here's an example of when this is unwelcome: 
Adding the argument "/E" to the command line for Explorer.exe opens a window to
the current working directory.  
By creating shortcuts to Explorer with different working directories, these
shortcuts act like traversable links.  
However, when these links are tarred up and then untarred, the untarred link has
a changed name, loses the /E 
argument, and also loses alternate working directory information. 

I have also tried repeating this with cygwin1.dll version 1.1.7.  The result is
similar except that the untarred 
shortcuts are renamed to conform to Microsoft's 8dot3 naming pattern with
number-tilde.  The version cygwin1.dll 
1.1.4 does not exhibit this problem.  I expect that perhaps this is due to a
difference in how Shortcuts and symbolic links are handled?

The cygcheck.out file attached is of my system with cygwin1.dll 1.1.4 installed,
not the problematic 1.3.2 which I uninstalled.  If you really need a copy with
other version, I can reinstall it and provide a cygcheck.out file for it as well


Connor J. Flynn         
MS K9-24                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Battelle NW, PNNL       509-375-2041
PO Box 999              fax-271-0030
Richland WA 99352       lab-372-4710

No brains, no headaches...


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