At 8/9/01 10:29 AM (Thursday), you wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David A. Cobb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Subject: Re: Problems building Xemacs-21.5--i686-pc-Cygwin: PART III
> > ... And still no clue about disarming the sound problem!
>  1)  ./configure
>  2)  Comment out the following line in src/Makefile
>   linuxplay.o: $(LISP_H) miscplay.h nativesound.h sysfile.h syssignal.h)
>  3)  make

<sigh /> if only that were so!
I commented out that line, Make figured its way around it using the 
implicit .c.o rule.
I also removed "linuxplay.o" from extra-objects in the same 
makefile.  Didn't help.

Even with no explicit mention for linuxplay.o, make finds it as a 
prerequisite of something.  I suspect the only way to get rid of it will be 
commenting out the area of "configure" -- and there I'm way over my 
head!  It's a fairly simple shell command, but I don't know what else I'm 
breaking if I comment it out.

I have detailed logs here but they're rather huge for posting.

David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate, All around nice guy.
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