I looked through the Archives and the FAQs and problems similar to this have
been reported in the past.  I tried various combinations of TERM=ansi,
TERM=cygwin, CYGWIN=tty, CYGWIN=notty but none of these seem to have corrected
my problem.

I'm running Cygwin 1.3.5, NT 4.0 SP6a.

The problem is that the Cygwin apps (cat, telnet, perl, etc.) do not allow
command editing when run in a console window.  In particular, the Backspace
key inserts a Ctrl-H, and the arrow keys move the cursor around and insert
their escape sequences.  bash does not exhibit this behaviour, probably because
it does its own line editing.

I had been running Cygwin B20 and this problem does not occur with the apps that
come with that package.

I can run "cat" from the NT Start->Run... dialog and cat will still not have line
editing.  I would have to presume that there's some setting or configuration for
the Cygwin DLL which I need to change to make this work.  Does anyone know of
any settings which could possibly cause this behavior?

                  --Tom Porcher

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