You know, Lucky, most of the people here have been around the block a
few times, and your previous post is just classic Usenet whinage.
Complaining about puncuation indeed.  Spare us, please.

Look, we've all read the background.  The improvement is a function
f(n) which for large n may approach 3.  What is f(1024)?  I don't
know, do you?  Your original post might have merit if f(1024) is also
close to 3 or more, but it may be very much less.

Here's a real question: if you could build a special purpose machine
to do 1024 bit RSA keys (that is, factor a 1024 bit number), how much
would that help with discrete logs in a safe prime field?

Dr. Tom Holroyd
"I am, as I said, inspired by the biological phenomena in which
chemical forces are used in repetitious fashion to produce all
kinds of weird effects (one of which is the author)."
        -- Richard Feynman, _There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom_

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