F. Marc de Piolenc forwards:

>Among the Bourgeoisophobes
>Why  the  Europeans and Arabs, each in their own way, hate America and

While it drops off into a bit of jingoism near the end, the first three
quarters of this essay is spot on and expresses well the ideas I've
held about Muslim terrorists for a long time.  Also, it eloquently puts
the lie to the notion that those terrorists attacked the WTC because
they "hate freedom".  It may be true that they hate freedom in some
narrow sense, but it misses the point: what they really hate is the
godless, arrogant, materialistic, undeserved (etc. from the article)
appearance communicated by the exports of our culture.  It is this
hatred of the perception of our culture that is misinterpreted (by
shallow and jingoistic analysts on *our* side) as "they just hate our

Which leads me to a couple of other comments.  The additional security
restrictions imposed on Americans since 9/11 clearly play right into
their hands.  No doubt it's very satisfying to bin Laden that he's put
the infidel Americans to huge additional inconvenience and
substantially decreased their liberties.  (Again, though, it isn't
primarily liberty itself that he hates, but the cultural exports that
flow from the "western" version of it.)

Also, it isn't only the Americans and Israelis that are so regarded -
other western nations are ultimately targets as well -- but the
Americans and Israelis are seen as by far the most egregious examples.
Or, in other words, "we'll bring down Britain, Germany and the rest
after we dispose of the Americans and Israelis."  (Though perhaps France 
will escape being a target - the French seem to be born with an innate 
bourgeoisophobia, manifesting itself in such silliness as their
government's continual attempts to prevent their language from being
"corrupted" by English imports.)

Another point well made here is the notion that American left-wing
intellectuals and politicians, as well as right-wing fundamentalists
and their politicians, all fall into this same boat.  The left-wingers
- from Chomskyites to Kennedy/Clinton/Gore liberals - think they need
to protect us from our crass obsession with the pursuit of wealth and
our "selfishness", while the right-wingers - from Falwell and Pat
Robertson to more mainstream Republicans - think we've been consumed
by licentiousness and immorality and that they need to force us to go
back to church.

To those of us who admire all types of liberty, it shows why we need
to keep sticking fingers into the eyes of both sides, or
monkeywrenching, as Tim puts it.

At the same time, none of this justifies many of the arrogant and
inflammatory actions taken by our government which serve as irritants
to the bourgeoisophobes and ultimately give them justification for
their hatred and their retaliation.  For example, why do we give
billions of dollars every year to Israel?  We get little or no benefit
from it, while it antagonizes the hell out of many Arabs.

- GH (preaching to the choir again)

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