On 21 Apr 2002 at 10:00, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> At 11:22 AM 4/21/02 +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> >I disagree here somewhat. Cryptography ttbomk doesn't have means of
> >construction of provably strong PRNGs, especially scalable ones, and
> with
> >lots of internal state (asymptotically approaching one-time pad
> >properties), and those which can be mapped to silicon real estate
> >efficiently both in time (few gate delays, >GBps data rates) and in
> space
> >(the silicon real estate consumed for each bit of PRNG state).
> What is a "provably strong" PRNG?  Strong against what?
> If I'm supposed to know this, and have forgotten it, a
> pointer will suffice.  I know what the attacks are for a crypto-strong
> plain-ole-analog-based-RNG.
> Its quite easy to generate apparently-random (ie, PRNGs) from
> block ciphers being fed, say, integers, or their own output, etc.
> These can be made small and fast in hardware.  Large families of
> these can be constructed e.g. by varying bits e.g., in Blowfish's
> S-tables, etc.
Yes.  If you know what PRNG somebody is using and you know the
seed you know the output.  Seems to me the best a PRNG
could hope to get is a situation where, looking at a long stream
of output, there's no way of predicting the future output that's
more efficient than guessing the initial seed.  I don't think
achieving that is all that hard in practice. 


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