I imagine there's a world of difference between "will" and "would."


On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 03:35:32PM -0700, AARG!Anonymous wrote:
> Can you find anything in this spec that would do what David Wagner says
> above, restrict what applications you could run?  Despite studying this
> spec for many hours, no such feature has been found.
> So here is the challenge to David Wagner, a well known and justifiably
> respected computer security expert: find language in the TCPA spec to
> back up your claim above, that TCPA will restrict what applications
> you can run.  Either that, or withdraw the claim, and try to get Declan
> McCullagh to issue a correction.  (Good luck with that!)
> And if you want, you can get Ross Anderson to help you.  His reports are
> full of claims about Palladium and TCPA which seem equally unsupported
> by the facts.  When pressed, he claims secret knowledge.  Hopefully David
> Wagner will have too much self-respect to fall back on such a convenient
> excuse.

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