On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 10:05:15AM -0700, AARG! Anonymous wrote:
> > On Gnutella discussion sites, programmers are discussing a number of
> > technical proposals that would make access to the network contingent
> > on good behavior: If you write code that hurts Gnutella, in other
> > words, you don't get to play. One idea would allow only "clients that
> > you can authenticate" to speak on the network, Fisk says. This would
> > include the five-or-so most popular Gnutella applications, including
> > "Limewire, BearShare, Toadnode, Xolox, Gtk-Gnutella, and Gnucleus." If
> > new clients want to join the group, they would need to abide by a certain
> > communication specification.
> They intend to do this using digital signatures, and there is precedent
> for this in past situations where there have been problems:

Depending on the clients to "do the right thing" is fundamentally stupid.


> Be sure and send a note to the Gnutella people reminding them of all
> you're doing for them, okay, Lucky?

This sort of attack doesn't do your position any good.


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