On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, AARG! Anonymous wrote:

> Here are some more thoughts on how cryptography could be used to
> enhance user privacy in a system like TCPA.  Even if the TCPA group
> is not receptive to these proposals, it would be useful to have an
> understanding of the security issues.  And the same issues arise in
> many other kinds of systems which use certificates with some degree
> of anonymity, so the discussion is relevant even beyond TCPA.

OK, I'm going to discuss it from a philosophical perspective.
i.e. I'm just having fun with this.

> The basic requirement is that users have a certificate on a long-term key
> which proves they are part of the system, but they don't want to show that
> cert or that key for most of their interactions, due to privacy concerns.
> They want to have their identity protected, while still being able to
> prove that they do have the appropriate cert.  In the case of TCPA the
> key is locked into the TPM chip, the "endorsement key"; and the cert
> is called the "endorsement certificate", expected to be issued by the
> chip manufacturer.  Let us call the originating cert issuer the CA in
> this document, and the long-term cert the "permanent certificate".

I don't like the idea that users *must* have a "certificate".  Why
can't each person develop their own personal levels of trust and
associate it with their own public key?  Using multiple channels,
people can prove their key is their word.  If any company wants to
associate a certificate with a customer, that can have lots of meanings
to lots of other people.  I don't see the usefullness of a "permanent
certificate".  Human interaction over electronic media has to deal
with monkeys, because that's what humans are :-)

> A secondary requirement is for some kind of revocation in the case
> of misuse.  For TCPA this would mean cracking the TPM and extracting
> its key.  I can see two situations where this might lead to revocation.
> The first is a "global" crack, where the extracted TPM key is published
> on the net, so that everyone can falsely claim to be part of the TCPA
> system.  That's a pretty obvious case where the key must be revoked for
> the system to have any integrity at all.  The second case is a "local"
> crack, where a user has extracted his TPM key but keeps it secret, using
> it to cheat the TCPA protocols.  This would be much harder to detect,
> and perhaps equally significantly, much harder to prove.  Nevertheless,
> some way of responding to this situation is a desirable security feature.

Ouch, that doesn't sound too robust.

> The TCPA solution is to use one or more Privacy CAs.  You supply your
> permanent cert and a new short-term "identity" key; the Privacy CA
> validates the cert and then signs your key, giving you a new cert on the
> identity key.  For routine use on the net, you show your identity cert
> and use your identity key; your permanent key and cert are never shown
> except to the Privacy CA.
> This means that the Privacy CA has the power to revoke your anonymity;
> and worse, he (or more precisely, his key) has the power to create bogus
> identities.  On the plus side, the Privacy CA can check a revocation list
> and not issue a new identity cert of the permanent key has been revoked.
> And if someone has done a local crack and the evidence is strong enough,
> the Privacy CA can revoke his anonymity and allow his permanent key to
> be revoked.

The CA has a bit too much power if you ask me.  Those are some really
good reasons not to like the idea of a "permanent certificate" ruled
by one (nasty?) person.

> Actually, in this system the Privacy CA is not really protecting
> anyone's privacy, because it doesn't see any identities.  There is no
> need for multiple Privacy CAs and it would make more sense to merge
> the Privacy CA and the original CA that issues the permanent certs.
> That way there would be only one agency with the power to forge keys,
> which would improve accountability and auditability.

I really, REALLY, *REALLY*, don't like the idea of one entity having
the ability to create or destroy any persons ability to use their
computer at whim.  You are suggesting that one person (or small group)
has the power to create (or not) and revoke (or not!) any and all TPM's!

I don't know how to describe my astoundment at the lack of comprehension
of history.

> It's not entirely clear how this technology could best be exploited to
> solve the problems.  One possibility, for example, would be to encode
> information about the permanent key in the restrictive blinding.
> This would allow users to use their identity keys freely; but upon
> request they could prove things about their associated permanent keys.
> They could, for example, reveal the permanent key value associated with
> their identity key, and do so unforgeably.  Or they could prove that their
> permanent key is not on a given list of revoked keys.  Similar logical
> operations are possible including partial revelation of the permanent
> key information.

There's no problem if we just extend our normal concepts of trust between
humans on a face to face level onto the net.  Person to person, peer to
peer, face to face.  It's all the same thing, and using the technology
to make it happen the same way it happens in the street is going to be
the ultimate success story.  Nobody controls everything, but some people
have some control of some resources.  People who attempt to rule the
whole world usually burn out sooner or later :-)

> The main problem with the group signature approach is handling revocation.
> In the case of a global crack, where someone has published his permanent
> key, at a minimum it is necessary to create a revocation list for those
> keys.  This means that the group signature protocol must be extended
> to not only prove that a key exists and has been certified, but also
> that the key is not on the list of revoked keys - and to do this without
> revealing the key itself.  That's a pretty complicated requirement which
> is pushing the state of the art.  There is a paper being presented at
> Crypto 02 which claims to offer the first group signature scheme with
> efficient revocation.

How about everybody on their block signs each other's keys, and when
one monkey misbehaves, the other ones toss 'em out of the troop.
A Web of trust is kind of like a group signature.

> Summing up, none of the alternatives presented here is ideal.  The current
> scheme is among the worst, as it provides the weakest privacy protection
> and allows the Privacy CAs to break the security of the entire system.
> The Chaum and Brands blinding methods strengthen privacy at the cost of
> reducing the ability to respond to local cracks, where the user extracts
> his TPM key but keeps it to himself.  Group signatures provide good
> privacy protection and can optionally respond to local cracks, but they
> are cutting edge cryptography and are generally less efficient than the
> other methods.

If a company wants control of their hardware, they should put their own
private keys in each machine.  They can use that with each persons
public key and create a reasonably secure system for their business.  They
don't need a privacy CA, and they can prove to any other firm that the
person with the box on their premisis *must* be from the right place.

If TCPA is going to fly as a real business it can't just be for DRM.
If copyright owners want people to buy their stuff, they'll have to sell
"copyright owners certificate" which can be based on the customer's key.
Again, nobody needs a privacy CA.

There is no valid argument for centralized control *of anything*.
TCPA is a valid concept in and of itself.  It's way too dangerous
a weapon if forced down people's throats the wrong way.  So the TCPA guys
should sell their boxes as useful tools to lots of big corporations,
and forget about the "content industry".  There's a lot more money to
be made solving real problems for real people.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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