On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Eric Cordian wrote:

> This of course is not a true tale, but an incredible simulation to make a
> point.

Yeah, it was funny.  Not sure what the point was...

> The earth currently has a population of just slightly over six billion
> people.  This means that a 200 gigabyte drive can store 256 bits of
> information on every single person on the planet, and you can hold it in
> the palm of your hand, and use it for any devious purpose you can
> conceive.

Yup, and in 2 years it'll be 2k bits.  That's still not a whole lot,
but in 5 years it'll be 2k bytes and now things get interesting.

> Supercomputers are just about to reach, and then surpass, human brain
> equivalent capacity in both OPS and memory.  A few more years, and these
> supercomputers will be desktops.

Not even close!!!!  A super computer can't deal with an insect's
capability today, let alone a mouse.  It will be another 100 years before
all the computing capcity on the planet begins to approach the capability
of mice.  We already have 1980's supercomputers for desktops, why
aren't terrorists building their own nukes from scratch?  Because it
requires _thinking_, not just memory and ops.  And guess what dude,
nobody knows what thinking is.  If we did, we'd build computers that
could think.

> There are companies that now hire only non-smokers.  In the future, this
> could just as easy become never-smoked, never used drugs, had a perfect
> attendance record in the Gubmint School, and never criticized the
> President.

Just like the police today - if they tried to hire only people who
never smoked pot, they'd not be able to hire *anyone*!  So guess what,
keeping track of all that crap isn't useful.  Don't ask, don't tell
works all the way up the chain :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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