At 23:46 -0800 2002/11/20, Tim May wrote:
>On Wednesday, November 20, 2002, at 10:25  PM, jet wrote:
>>At 9:01 -0800 2002/11/20, Eric Cordian wrote:
>>>Cable News is reporting that the Onion, America's Finest News Source,  has
>>>pulled from its Web site an article on the recent siege at the Moscow
>>>theatre by Chechen rebels.
>>You got any pointers to that?
>>I'm not seeing any mention of this story searching, or 
>Try searching Google for likely combinations of words. This worked for  me:
>"michael bay chechen"

That finds a cached copy of the story that is no longer up on The Onion's site.  I 
believe that the article existed -- I saw the cached copy myself.   I'm still not 
finding any story, anywhere, that says The Onion pulled this or why they pulled it.

>That The Onion ( no longer has the article which  Google and other 
>sites linked to is precisely the point of the story.

Again, what story?  Where is the evidence that The Onion pulled this because of the 
terrorism content?  Maybe someone from Michael Bay's office threatened a defimation 
suit and The Onion pulled the story because they didn't want to bother with a lawsuit. 
 Or maybe Michael Bay's brother-in-law-half-removed is dating someone at The Onion's 
step-mother and asked for a friendly favor.  Maybe someone at The Onion stole the 
story from someone else, so it got pulled until they could sort out who actually wrote 
the piece.

But hey, if it makes you feel better to state some sort of conspiracy to silence The 
Onion given the complete and total lack of information, go for it.
J. Eric Townsend -- jet spies com
buy stuff, damnit:

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