On 23 Dec 2002 at 21:23, Tim May wrote:
> Inasmuch as we cannot even build a machine which even 
> remotely resembles a bat, or even an ant, the inability to 
> simulate/understand/"be"  a bat is not surprising. There is 
> no mapping currently feasable between my internal states and 
> a bat's. Even if we are made of relays or transistors.

On the other hand, our inability to emulate a nematode, or the 
a portion of the retina, is grounds for concern.  This does not 
indicate that the mystery is QM, but does suggest that there is 
some mystery -- some special quality either of individual 
neurons or very small networks of neurons that we have not yet

It is unsurprising that with current computing power we should 
be unable to emulate an ant, but inability to emulate a 
nematode is troubling. 

         James A. Donald

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