Perfect example of a governmental "solution" (socialized health care) to
a government-caused problem (high cost of care). Instead of giving us
more of what is killing us, why not remove the causes of the problem?


PS - the infant mortality statistics are bogus; they are a
record-keeping artefact. Other countries (notably Sweden, to which the
USA is always being compared) don't "count" a child as born until it has
reached a certain age (three weeks in Sweden). Guess when most infant
deaths occur?

Matthew X wrote:
> The Myth of US Health Care

> 27 January 2003
> " The US has the newest medicines in world, spends more of GDP on medicine
> than any other nation, and yet has the highest rates for at least 10 cancer
> types and the highest infant mortality rate of all developed nations. The
> conservative politicians say socialized medicine is bad because you might
> have to wait your turn for some non-emergency services,

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