On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 10:54:47AM -0000, David Howe wrote:
> at Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:04 AM, Harmon Seaver
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was seen to say:
> >     The real school of the future won't have classrooms at all, and no
> > "teachers" as we now know them. Instead there will be workstations
> > with VR helmets and a number of software "gurus" in the machine
> > tailoring themselves to the individual students needs and
> > personality. The machine will never be tired or grumpy or just having
> > a bad day or serious personality problems like human teachers.
> They would if I wrote them :)
> Some days you need a kind, understanding, sympathetic teacher; others,
> you need the Scary kind :)

    That's the socio/psych aspect of the teacher/student relationship which has
little to do with the actual functions of imparting and learning
information. Better to have part of the day spent with a shrink in group
counseling sessions inbetween time on machine. Since the info would be learned
at least 10x faster, they'd have plenty of time for that, or hands on shop
classes, etc. 

Harmon Seaver   

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