At 11:42 AM 2/20/2003 -0800, Tim May wrote:
On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 11:17  AM, Eric Cordian wrote:

There's an interesting story on the home page of disclosing eBay's policy of giving all
information they have on a user to any guvment-appearing person who asks

It's probably not a bright idea to login to eBay when just browsing items.

Google does much the same thing. (They have staffed-up with sheep-dipped NSA types.)

No need for a Library Awareness Program with out-of-date, printed-in-1967 chemistry and electronics textbooks when the Web is such a cornucopia of current information and when Google, E-Bay, and the credit reporting companies are so eager and willing to assist the Thought Police.

"Secure Web proxies and digital currency now more than ever!"
JAP and CookieCooker are two easy to install Windows proxy apps.


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