At 11:04 AM -0800 2/21/03, John Kelsey wrote:
>Social programs in general work this way.  It was a goodie being handed out
>once, but now, it looks to the people involved like a necessity, and
>they'll fight hard to keep it.  This is just as true of social security and
>farm subsidies as of welfare.  Listen to a Republican-voting farmer justify
>farm subsidies some time.  You ought to have to *pay* for that kind of
>entertainment.  (Oh, wait, I *am* paying for it.)  In fact, smarter and
>better educated people will tend to be a lot more effective at fighting for
>their benefits than less intelligent, poorly educated people.  So welfare
>reform, for all its weirdness, seems to be working much better than the
>attempts to reform farm subsidies, say.  And even with Republicans in
>control of everything, I'll bet we don't see any major cuts to NEA, say.

And now that my mortgage is almost paid off, I can start railing against
the mortgage interest deduction.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz           | Due process for all    | Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506         | used to be the         | 16345 Englewood Ave.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | American way.          | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

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