"Any idea of why the fucker started up with the punching?"

As I remember, Schear described himself as 5'2" at the time. Those that feel powerless normally look for someone to have power over.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Veil)
Subject: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and "minorities"
Date: 20 Feb 2003 02:45:17 -0000

Steve Schear wrote on February 19, 2003 at 12:23:


> As was the regimen then, the class would line up before and after
> activities to check attendance, then we would shower. To help the
> instructor the lineup order was fixed. It so happened that the student
> behind me was one of those being bussed in. I had not taken much notice of
> him until the day he decided that my back looked to be good target for his
> fist. His method was to punch me about every 5 seconds like clock
> work.

Any idea of why the fucker started up with the punching?

> It started at the first line up and continued to just before
> showers. (I know some of my fellow students saw him hitting me but they
> pretended not to and said anything.)
> His locker was almost opposite of mine and as the class prepared to shower
> he continued his ritualistic abuse. I waited until most of the others were
> gone and just as he was about to land a blow I quickly turned, blocked his
> punch, grabbed and twisted his arm to lock it and drew him into a side kick
> to his throat. His trachea partly collapsed and he fell to the floor
> choking. I calmly continued undressing and went to the shower. When I
> came back some students we standing around him and an instructor was giving
> him mouth to mouth. I heard he was taken to the hospital. No one asked me
> about him, I never saw him again and none of the students said a word.

Excellent! A shame he wasn't killed, as he deserved to be.

> Several days later three of his friends tried to jump me between classes in
> a relatively isolated area of the campus, one had a knife I gave them a
> very painful lesson with my nanchuk. I never saw them again either, nor
> was I ever questioned about them by school administrators. Afterward, I
> took to walking to classes with friends, mostly other martial arts
> students, but no further incidents occurred. Its a good thing this
> happened back then. Today, I would have been shot

Unless you shot the fucking "African-American" attackers dead first.

This is why I think bullied kids should carry handguns. Preferably
easily concealed ones, the smallest one with the highest caliber.

"Bust a cap" in their fucking brains.

> and/or arrested.

Any cop who would arrest you for a clear-cut case of self-defense would
need to be shot dead.

Tom Veil

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