At 10:52 PM -0800 3/6/03, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>A tiny fuel cell that detects the alcoholic breath of a drink-driver and calls
>the police has been developed by a team of engineers at Texas Christian
>University. A pump draws air in from the passenger cabin, a platinum catalyst
>converts any alcohol to acetic acid, which then produces a current
>proportional to the concentration of alcohol in the air. A chip analyses the
>data, and if it is too high, turns on a wireless transmitter that calls the

So much for the sober designated driver with a load of drunk passengers.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz           | Due process for all    | Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506         | used to be the         | 16345 Englewood Ave.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | American way.          | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

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