> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Ken Brown wrote:
> > 3) what about the Kurds? What about the Kurds?   Does the US force them
> > to rejoin Iraq?  Does the US continue to deny them Kirkuk and other
> > cities of their homeland? Does the US allow Turkish troops to invade
> > northern Iraq (i.e. remain in there- there are probably some already)
> > Is this the end for US support for Turkish domination over the area?  If
> > the Turks refuse to play ball, is it the end for US support for Turkish
> > membership of NATO?
> Who knows anything about the Kurds?  Who remembers Armenia?  Who cares?
> Nobody in the US.  The Kurds will be fucked from all sides and will have
> to fight a bit harder than before because there won't be anything to
> balance the Turkish attacks.
> The US is definitly pissed at Turkey, but it's still too important
> militarily to ignore.  The US needs Turkey in a big way.  They were
> just too stupid in how they went about selling a war.
There are other factors that the Turks have on their minds, aside from
the US and NATO. Turkey is anxious to join the European Union, and
has been cleaning up its human rights act to gain acceptance.
Turkey recently lifted martial law in the Kurdish areas (do they still call
them "mountain Turks"?). 

Turkish aggression against the Kurds in northern Iraq would scuttle their 
chances for many years.

Peter Trei

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