For a long time, the west has been exporting its most evil
ideologies and most disastrous economic policies to the middle
east.  Saddam is not Islamic fundamentalism, rather, Baathism
is a mixture of Communism and Nazism.   Even Bin Laden owes
more to Heidegger than Mohammed, though he denies it.

The bush plan is to export our more desirable ideolgy and
economic order, the order and ideology of the Glorious
Revolution, by force, as we forced on Napoleon's france,
Hitler's Germany, and Japan.

Of course there is something rather self contradictory in
attempting to export that program by aggressive imperial war,
and the practical effect so far has been to make America less
free, rather than Iraq more free, Perhaps a more subtle means
would be more likely to succeed, but exporting that program by
some means is a sound plan

         James A. Donald

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