At 12:46 AM 3/22/2004, javve wrote:

Are the  are anny  spy device can look  trough the wall too see  you?
If the are with one?

IR systems capable of locating warm objects within structures have been available for a long time.  They are routinely used for search and rescue in collapsed building.  Resolution is low. they could not be used to see anything much beyond a warm blob through rubble.

There are purported to be devices using ultra wideband RF and microwave frequencies and millimeter wave active or passive devices to do this.  Resolution of the microwave devices should be even lower than the IR and perhaps suitable only for determining occupant location, for example prior to breaking down the door during a SWAT raid. Millimeter waves are emitted by warm bodies, such as own own, and can be used to passively see thorough clothing.  Not sure if passive devices would work through walls due to attenuation, but active devices probably could.

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