Tom Shaddack wrote:

> On Tue, 18 May 2004, Tyler Durden wrote:
> > "Monyk believes there will be a global market of several 
> million users once
> > a workable solution has been developed. A political 
> decision will have to
> > be taken as to who those users will be in order to prevent 
> terrorists and
> > criminals from taking advantage of the completely secure 
> communication
> > network, he said."
> Hope the technology hits the streets fast enough after getting on the
> market. Monyk apparently doesn't believe that people who 
> don't have the
> money to buy the Official Approval have no right to access to this
> technology.

Actually, I read this as the sort of puffery we more often see
from the snake-oil vendors; "Our proprietary Auto Generated
One Time Pad (TM) crypto is soooo strong that the government
may ban it - get it while you can!"


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