>From: Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 27, 2004 10:00 AM
>Subject: RE: Mystification of Identity: You Say Yusuf, I Say Youssouf...

>Many Cypherpunks view the need to take up crypto arms to stem off an 
>Orwellian, hyper-evil and hyper-competent dictatorship. I'm thinking a more 
>likely (and no less threatening) scenario is one like "Brazil" (ie, the 

Yep.  It turns out that broad and scary police powers don't make you any smarter or 
wiser or more careful, they just make it easier for you to insist on obedience and 
stifle complaints.  Post 9/11, flight attendants and airline employees have more 
authority to order passengers around and deny people boarding, but they're still the 
same people they were on 9/10, they're presumably only marginally better at spotting 
terrorists (at least not obviously Arab-looking terrorists).  They just have more 
power, and fewer consequences when they screw up.



--John Kelsey

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