On 1 Oct 2004 at 10:32, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>  First Data has been terminating all of its contracts with 
>  adult entertainment providers as they expire, a spokeswoman
>  said.

Way back at the beginning, cypherpunks said that the internet 
could result in alarming loss of privacy, or alarming 
improvement in privacy.  As events turned out, it went to 
alarming loss of privacy, as Bill Gates, Oliver North and the 
porn sites have discovered.

The problem is not irreversible.  If Oliver North had consulted 
a ten year old, the kid probably would have told him how to 
make sure his emails were really deleted.

I would have thought that the anti-trust debacle would have 
inspired Bill Gates to give higher priority to privacy 
preserving software.

Now that we finally see potential threats becoming real, 
perhaps people will, eventually, belatedly, start covering 
themselves from these threats. 

         James A. Donald

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