Simple way to test.  Get two printers of the same make and model.  Print 
identical documents on both printers, scan them, diff the scans.  Some 
will be noise, repeat several times, see which noise repeats and you get 
closer and closer to the serial #'s.

 + ^ + :"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
<--*-->:and our people, and neither do we." -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  :                                                             \|/
 + v + :    War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004, Steve Thompson wrote:

> I seem to recall hearing a rumour that suggested that for years now, photocopiers 
> have been leaving their serial number on the copies they produce.  If true, and I am 
> inclined to believe it, it follows naturally that something similar might happen 
> with laser-printers and ink-jet printers.
> Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> > 
> > US scientists have discovered that every desktop printer has a signature
> > style that it invisibly leaves on all the documents it produces.
> I don't think this is new - I'm pretty sure it was
> published about 6 or 7 years back as a technique.
> iang
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