On 23 Oct 2004 at 19:25, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> There are all "givens" to the rest of us - I am trying to fit
> these arguments into Donald's Reality Distortion Field.

Is it also a "given" to you, as it is to Tyler, that the US
attacked North Korea, and that the reason for this attack was
to make Koreans poor so that Americans could be rich?

Is it also a given to you that the CIA trained Bin Laden?

Is it also a given to you that the CIA installed Saddam?

Is it a given to you, as it is to Tyler, that the countries on
the communist side of the former iron curtain were more
successful economically than their neighbors or countrymen on
the other side?

Is it a given to you that Jews did not turn up for work in the
two towers the day they fell?

Is it a given to you that Arbenz was democratically elected, and that 
the guerrilas in Guatemala were an indigenous popular movement that 
could have won free and fair elections had they been permitted?

Is it a given to you that Alger Hiss was framed?

Perhaps you need to check some of these givens.

         James A. Donald

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