At 1:08 AM -0400 4/13/00, dmolnar wrote:
>Just the other day I received a note from TheoryNet (list-serv of academic
>job announcements and calls for papers) on the "6th Annual Conference on
>DNA Computing." I may have deleted the announcement, but I bet something
>interesting is happening there...

Color me very skeptical. Wet computing buys at most a speedup in 
certain algorithms. If the problems (economic, scalability, I/O, etc) 
can be solved, wet computers _might_ someday be important for 
relatively weak ciphers. Not much use for ciphers requiring 10^50 
Cray-years. Swimming pools full of DNA computers might cut this to 
10^30 years.

Going into the third dimension for chips is very interesting, and 
very expensive. Tanks of partially-assembling, somehow-computing 
biological elements _could_ be interesting for some problems, but 
probably not for crypto.

(As we all know, cipher-making _always_ wins out over 
cipher-breaking. Consider pure RSA (not a hybrid RSA and symmetric 
ciphers combo). Going from 1K keys to 2K keys to 4K keys, and so on, 
is straightforward. Additional computational power is easy to apply. 
But factoring the moduli becomes intractable rapidly. Swimming pools, 
even entire planets, made of DNA computers will be as nothing...)

>Anyone taken a look at what Noam Nisan is doing for "economic mechanisms
>in computation" ?
>The idea seems to be to replace the Byzantine adversary model with one
>based on economics. Then design protocols around that to Do Things,
>taking advantage of the model. Is this model convincing to you?
>Come to think of it, anyone seen interesting applications of econ to

"_All_ crypto is economics." A phrase I believe Eric Hughes came up with.

Defense and counter-defense issues are common economic issues: how 
thick are the walls of the castle?, can better battering rams be 
built?, how many ICBMs do we need?, how many firewalls around our 
financial computer?

Economics is applied only very marginally to crypto. Mostly, I think, 
because the economic issues tend to get abstracted away until the 
theorists are left with number theory problems they can plausibly 
hope to attack and resolve, for example.

(One can bet that "big picture" looks at crypto certainly involve 
economic analyses. Costs of deploying crypto, costs of attacking 
ciphes, costs of black bag jobs, etc.)

As far as applying market-based economics to crypto, there are 
several interesting avenues:

* cooperative agents, a la the Agorics project. (Search on agorics, 
Mark Miller, Dean Tribble,, etc.)

* simulations of economically-competing actors. Such simulations will 
likely be useful for generating robust protocols. (This is more 
nebulous as a research area. A mix of game theory, evolutionary game 
theory, actor models of computation, with crypto thrown in certain 

* some of the basic work on things like "fair division of a pie." We 
all know how the "Alice cuts, Bob chooses" protocol works (and this 
protocol is closely related to some important crypto protocols), but 
how does it extend to N parties? Robin Hanson, a sometime list 
member, works on issues like this.

* the general advantages of free market approaches to distributed 
systems of mutually suspicious agents and only partially cooperating 
agents. Crypto tends to only deal with certain subsets of these 
interactions--often an entire class of papers is written about just 
_one_ type of interactions (like "bit commitment" between Alice and 
Bob, or like "oblivious transfer').

Reputations, and the problems they solve, are almost unheard of in 
the crypto community...partly because they are _engineering_ 
solutions rather than _mathematical_ solutions. (For example, a third 
party escrow service who handles the money between two parties. 
Conventional crypto would reject this, because the escrow party is 
not provably trustworthy, or reliable, or whichever term one prefers. 
Yet reputations matter, and they can be blended into crypto 
situtatons. Read my stuff from the early 90s on using escrow systems 
for untraceable contract killings for a concrete, if distasteful to 
some, example.)

Reputation markets were discussed by me with Phil Salin, Jim Bennett, 
Marc Stiegler, Randy Farmer, Chip Morningstar, Robin Hanson, and 
others in a series of meetings in 1988. Phil Salin had a company 
called the "American Information Exchange" which was essentially 
trying to develop online markets, a la EBay. He was a few years too 
early, for the state of the Net, and, besides that, he died of cancer 
in 1991. There is much more I could write about these discussions, 
and crypto anarchy.

The Extropians list had a primitive repuation market running in 
around 1993. An interesting experiment. (I believe that some of the 
people involved were also involved in the "SLED" key signing system, 
and that this led to a company (4-1-1 ?), which led to their being 
acquired, but I could be misremembering. There was also Firefly, a 
ratings service. A fertile area. The connections with crypto, keys, 
identities, online markets are all fairly obvious.

>on econ and crypto...
>A while back, Tim had a rant about "neo-Chaumian" approaches to remailers
>vs. "market-based" approaches. As I recall (and I hope to be corrected if
>wrong), the point was that it was better to enforce compliance by random
>audit and reputation service, instead of using logs and "proofs." Less
>messy, and less danger in the face of a coercive adversary.

Yes, this is closely related to the above discussion. And to issues 
of monoculture and disease resistance. Again, a subset of 
"distributed defense." N-out-of-M attacks,

And parallel to crypto heuristics, like chaining of ciphers. If M 
different ciphers (DES, Blowfish, IDEA, Twofish, etc.) are available, 
use them _all_. Modulo issues of the cost of using M of them in a 
chain, and issues of compromising through composition, using all of 
the ciphers means that the breaking of N out of the M ciphers has not 
broken the composition.

(This is really just some basic algebra. As is the math of remailers, 
the kind we use. Note that the much more sophisticated math for 
remailer attacks used by Chaum, Pfitzman, et. al. are also laden with 
economic and even market-related issues.)

>so does it make sense to try to quantify how well a reputation approach
>works? does anyone do this (in econ, perhaps)? are they convincing? can a
>quantitative approach to reputation ever be convincing? can
>they apply it to a protocol and give some evidence that the protocol will
>stay "in line"?

Yes, I believe this is a "hot" topic. The merger of crypto (as the 
mathematical underpinning), game theory, and economics is likely to 
be an important area in the future.

Not to beat a dead horse, but this has been obvious for a long, long time.

What keeps this synthesis from being done? The obvious: there are 
only a handful of people in the world doing things, and they are 
doing other things besides this. The names I don't have to spell out 
here (and thus risk insulting someone I forget to name).

It will take someone doing an analysis and writing a paper for the 
ideas to start to catch on. And even then most won't think the work 
is important.

Then some bunch out of MIT or Stanford or wherever will form a 
company to commercialize this "economic trust model" and they'll be 
the next dot commies.

My hunch is that the Dempster-Shafer model of belief propagation is a 
good starting point for formalizing this. I wrote a long article on 
this about four or five years ago. (I noticed that Wei Dai is talking 
about a "belief" element in his recent proposal for a signature 
server of some sort, so perhaps he has also been influenced by the 
D-S work.)

So, yes, I do indeed think crypto and economics are closely linked. 
Most cryptographers don't, though.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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