Reese wrote:
> Try to realize you are fucking stupid for pursuing the line of reasoning
> you've held to until now, ok?

I realize that I'm damn stupid for letting the argument run so broad and
take up so much bandwidth. and for not realizing quickly that my
original take, namely that it is HYPOTHETICAL, covered with a big WHAT
IF, has been subsequently ignored, as seen in the following:

> >also, don't forget that an important part of my argument is that
> The importance of your argument is irrelevant when the facts of your
> argument are in error.

by declaring the basic assumption of an argument irrelevant, you have an
easy time ridiculing it and making it appear stupid. that approach has
been in use at least since sokrates. I don't like it.

so yes, my argument is plain wrong for today and for the past, and
government has on average been far worse than corporations on average.
but anyone with a copy of the original argument can easily read that I
started with an assumption about the FUTURE. countering that with the
bodycount of the past was a nice move, and I was dumb for falling for
it. so since the argument has gone off in the entirely wrong direction,
I'll stop discussing it. feel victorious if you want, I don't care.

sorry to the list for the noise. I got drawn into my own trap.

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